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Saturday, August 16, 2014


I love neon colors, because I absolutely love how they look against my skin tone, plus I always feel so happy wearing them, they're like a mood lifter. My husband always makes fun of me when I'm wearing neon colors, his joke is that I can never go unnoticed and that I'll be easy to find in a crowd. Isn't that the point? :-)  This neon dress, I can see myself wearing quite often, it can easily be dressed up or down and I love how flowy it is. After a stressful week at work, I felt that Friday was appropriate to wear neon at the office (with a floral cardigan - not pictured) to celebrate the end of the work week.
Outfit details: Dress: Windsor Store (Love THIS) / Heels: BCBGeneration:  (similar here & here) (love THIS) / Handbag: Tory Burch / Necklace: HOH 1960 Sunburst Pendant Necklace / Sunglasses: Coach


  1. I love this color in you Nesh... It's such a pretty color.. reminds me of summer and beauty ♡

  2. Wow, you look stunning! Love your dress and accessories :)))


  3. Ohhhhhh wow! Awesome look!!! #fivestars #twothumbsup

  4. Beautiful look!!! I love your dress!!!
    Have a good week!!! my g+ and like's in bloglovin for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥


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